I have quit smoking about a week ago. I now have dark smokers lpis. I need to know how to quickly turn them back to the natural pink color the they used to be.How do you cure dark smokers lips?
Congrats on quitting......but its only been a week, you have to give your body time to rid itself from the harm you caused it. Drink atleast 10 cups of water a day to flush out the toxins in your body. Start taking vitamins and learn how to do breathing exercises to get more oxygen in your blood. If that doesn't work I suggest you see a deratologist. (Now a lecture)..... Your upset because you now see the damage you caused to yourself by smoking. Now imagine the damage you caused that you can't see inside of you. You made a great choice on quitting...congrats againHow do you cure dark smokers lips?
don't smoke in the first place.
you will die alot sooner. sorry.
I know someone told you it was bad.
your fault.
I don't know about smoker's lips (never heard of it), but the Mary Kay Satin Lips Mask and Balm is really great for all kinds of lip problems if you don't like the way they look. You can try that. Here's my consultant's website: www.marykay.com/adina_k
moisturize and use a lip cleaner
Well, you should've though of this problem before you started smoking. You could try chapstick, and of course untill they heal (if they ever heal) just cover it with lipstick.
Clean them with an exfoliating lip cream. It's the tar from your cigarettes.
baby oil and sleep with it on over nite
then brush them with a toothbrush
and put chapstick on
stop smoking it kills.
the only cure I can think of is to stop smoking I know alot of people with dark lips from smoking, and really bad teeth.
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