Monday, July 26, 2010

How do I get rid of my cold sore? It's spreading down below my lips and onto my face?

Ok, so I have been getting cold sores my whole life but i have only had them spread onto my face once before. This time I have a cold sore on my lip and then it has spread into a bunch of tiny bumps below my lip in a cluster going downwards. I have Zovirax prescribed but it doesn't seem to help at all. I have also iced it but it's still getting bigger. Help!How do I get rid of my cold sore? It's spreading down below my lips and onto my face?
this may sound very odd but it works very well..

most people put layers of cream and keep them moist then they stay for days and mum always puts perfume on hers (apply neat) or even methylated spirits just dab during the this kills the germs and dries the cold sore and in days of this treatment they vanish...tried and tested ( might sting) but persist with it and see the results..she just had a friend heal hers this way..i can even imagine straight alcohol doing the same job..witch hazel as well...How do I get rid of my cold sore? It's spreading down below my lips and onto my face?
So Sorry. Have you tried Carmex? Also, there's something called Bluestar ointment, at the pharmacy. My family uses it for coldsores, scratches, insect bites, ect. It really works. You have to apply it several times a day. It comes in a jar. I hope it works for you.
Sandpaper and rubbing alcohal
Got Herpes?

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