Wednesday, July 21, 2010

What is the Quickest and Easiest Solution to Chapped Lips?

It is winter time out here and my lips are reallyyyy dry and chapped. Any solutions other than Vaseline? I have tried that and it doesn't work. Also, please try and make it inexpensive. Thanks!What is the Quickest and Easiest Solution to Chapped Lips?
well first try exfoliating your lips with your toothbrush by lightly brusing over your lips. then always apply chapstick after you brush your teeth!!! ( so you can get it when it's fresh).

also don't lick your lips often because saliva will dry out your lips more..

i recommend burts bees,carmex, and blistex (pretty much all work good!!)

:)What is the Quickest and Easiest Solution to Chapped Lips?
I'll tell you, I had the same exact problem, to the point I would bleed. The solution I found: Vic's Vaporub! I know it sounds bizarre, but it worked the best of everything I tried. Just apply at night, when you get in bed; the next morning your lips will feel a lot better. :)
Carmex! I use it 24/7 and wen i dnt use it and my lipz start getn chapd i put it on and its helped up in less then a day! At my walmart its like 98 cents. I love the stuff and it rly works!
lots and lots of chapstick! apply it constantly. i like nivea and they have a certain kind that has lots of moisture and it promotes ';kissable lips.'; it's the best kind i've ever used.
Keep alot of chapstick on, and keep it on. Every time you feel your lip's getting chapped, put chapstick on. I keep it on every day, even when i don't have chaped lips .(:
Carmex!Works wonders.

Its at walmart or anywhere actually.

Its 1.29$
stuff you can do at home

that arereally cheap…
chapstick medicated kind it works pretty well also theres the blixtex in the tub but i hate the idea of tubs cuz they seem unsanitary
Bath and Bodyworks carries a product called Liplicious and it will stay on for hours. I can go to be and wake up with it still on.
Theres not quick solution just make sure to dry your face after you shower and also to use chap stick.
lots of lip balm i guess and don't lick your lips it's the worst.......... just use a little vaseline cause it will help
Aloe Vera gel=JESUS JUICE.
Lip stick! I hate wearing it because it's to thick, so I wear it around my house.
put on chapstick thats wat i do when my lips r chapped!!!!

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