Please tell a good and fast method!How do you get rid of herpes on your lips caused by citric allergy?
Please, don't put her health in the hands of an amateur forum. Respect her mind and body. She must consult her doctor or a dermatologist. (I am a physician myself and this is the best advice I can possibly give you.)How do you get rid of herpes on your lips caused by citric allergy?
NO CURE Just remedies to speed healing along. such as Tea Tree oil. Report Abuse
The only thing that has worked for me is Abreva.
Herpes is not caused by citric allergy. These are two different things. She should see a doctor to find out what she really has.
See a Doctor, duh?
I also get cold sores on my lips. Unfortunately once you get them any sort of thing (stress, citrus, the sun) can bring them back later on.
It is definitely herpes and there are medications that can help: Zovirax, Acyclovir, Denavir or Valtrex there are pills and ointments. If you apply an ointment right when you feel a tingle it should keep it away. If you ever feel them spreading then get the pills (Valtrex) ASAP.
I take L-Lysine and Calcium every day along with a multi-vitamin and it seems to really keep them at bay. Before I started that I was getting them a few times a month. They started on my lip but because I didn't have my medication with me once for a couple days they spread to the other side of my lip and cheek. They can even spread along any nerve onto your eyelids so be careful to get treatment soon. Good luck. I highly recommend the vitamin/amino acid route for prevention.
my daughter has the same problem. Try L-Lysine 500mg in the morning and 500mg at night for 5 days then take 1 in the morning and 1 in the night time. Then just take 1 a day...
I have been getting numerous, ugly cold sores for years. Finally, my doctor put me on a long-term therapy of Valtrex.
Anyway, see if she can get a prescription of Valtrex from her doctor. Use a corticosteroid cream or gel with it directly on the sore. Be sure she keeps her hands clean and don't kiss her! It's very contagious!!!
MASSIVE doses of the natural supplement Lysine (found at drugstores) during an outbreak help. Also good, if she can find it, is a lysine gel that she can apply to the sore while continuing to take the Lysine tablets. If she gets them frequently, then she could take Lysine daily.
More likely she has cold sores caused by herpes and Herpes is a virus my friend and has little to do with allergies. It is possible that citrus aggravates the condition.
Here is some info for you.
Cold sores are blisters that form around the mouth and inside the nose often appearing towards the end of a cold. This common and infectious virus can also attack other parts of the face, the genitals (see Genital herpes) and other skin areas.
Itching or tingling of the skin in the affected area (normally the lips) - this may precede the appearance of the cold sore
One or many clusters of small blisters forming over inflamed skin and filled with a yellowish or white fluid
Red, painful sores on or near the mouth and lips, or on fingers
Swollen, sensitive gums of a deep red colour
A fever and/or flu-like symptoms
Cold sores are caused by the Herpes simplex virus, which is transmitted by contact such as kissing an infected person or sharing eating utensils.
The virus may lie dormant in the body for years, sometimes without causing any symptoms, only to be activated during periods of low immune status, stress, exposure to cold, and sunburn. Some women also find that menstruation can trigger cold sores.
Natural Therapies
The amino acid L-lysine helps to reduce the frequency and severity of cold sore outbreaks
Zinc, Echinacea and Vitamin C help to keep the immune system strong, and help to fight the Herpes virus.
Important Notes
Consult your healthcare professional if
Cold sores develop near the eyes or on eyes
You develop a high fever or chills
Your sores are very painful
Hygiene is an important factor in cold sore prevention. Be careful not to kiss someone who has a cold sore, or use the same utensils, towels, or razors. Always wash your hands after touching a cold sore, and be sure not to touch your eyes or genitals after touching your cold sore.
If you know that sun exposure is a trigger for cold sore outbreak in you, be very careful to avoid the sun.
Hope this helps.
Craig - Naturopath.
try regular baking soda
Eat lemons
this disease caused by herpes virus HSV it has nothing to do with allergy they call it cold sore because when you have cold or any infectious disease ,the immunity goes down and the virus appear again you can't get rid of it because it is dormant.but you can use Acyclovir which is an antiviral and i want your gf to know if the sore started to appear the drug will be useless ,so advice her to use it once she feels a tingling around her mouth ,which is the beginning period of relapse
In my experience, Zovirax cream is the best one.
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