Hi I had sex with a prostitute few days back. I was too drunk. 2-3 minutes after sex I tied a knot to the open end of the condom and held it in between my lips so that I can tie my shoe laces. What are the chances of me getting infected?What if the used condom is accidently hold within lips?
A more pressing question: Why put the used condom IN YOUR MOUTH?
Whatever, I'd get tested.What if the used condom is accidently hold within lips?
Firstly, Why with a protitute? But also i dont really know if it would but i dont think so.
Very likely
there's a bit of a chance, not a huge chance but a chance. don't have sex with prostitutes if you worry about disease.
What are the chances that your doc. could stop the problems before they get worse?
pretty low ..
get a test though
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