Friday, August 20, 2010

Is it weird to kiss an animal on the lips?

I do this with my dogs, cats, rats, gerbils, and sometimes even my pet snake.Is it weird to kiss an animal on the lips?
I think its cute to kiss your pets to show affection. Like another poster said, french kisses to a pet are gross, but a kiss on their nose or face? How is that any dirtier than kissing some people? A lot of people let their dogs lick their face, hands, etc, and actually a dogs mouth is cleaner than a human's (this has actually been tested!). I kiss my horse on the nose all the time, and kiss my dog on the side of his face. Most animals don't have ';lips'; like people do, so in reality, you're just kissing the fuzz on their face (or scales for your snake). You love your pets, thats great.Is it weird to kiss an animal on the lips?
On the lips? Haven't you ever seen where those lips go when they are bathing themselves??
yeah i def think so... i see people licking their dogs on their lips.. prior to that the dog licked its a*s.. isnt that nasty, so next time you make-out with your dog think of where that tongue was.
just my dog wait no science he was a puppy he just liked to put his nose next to mine this is our kiss like an Eskimo kiss yeah that but no lips sorry

and no you ain't weird i love animals too i have an Oscar fish and 2 pletcos in a 50 gallon tank and i love them just as much as i like my french poodle and my 2 turtles and when it comes to my dog he lives inside and is really clean and this matters alot
um if you do dont let anybody see....that is kinda gross
It's kinda creepy, yes!
My animals are like my kids, I do too, some people think it's gross but my animals are just like my babies and I love to kiss them! I just don't go for the ';frenchies'; that IS gross! My Boston did that to us all the time before she passed away, she would wait for you to not be paying attention and then she'd slip a good one right in the mouth... ewww... it was funny though because of the way she just waiting for the ample opportunity.
No, I do it to my cats and dog.
I do it.
I don't think it's weird...I love to kiss my cat and when I had a dog and a rat I would do the same. I've kissed a snake, but never on the mouth. Some people are just more in tune with animals and it is okay for them to express their love in that way - as long as it doesn't involve any tongue! You're just an animal lover by nature - it certainly isn't for everyone, but you should take pride in your special relationship with animals.
i don't think so i...... but does your snake bite?
I do it. I don't know if people would class me as weird.
weird a little unhealthy by far.. as we all know dogs are very affectionate. they love to give ';kisses,'; the problem entailed there is what dogs eat.. they drink out of the toilet or eat a piece of poop from another animal and then lick your face thats pretty rough
YES, yuck you never know what they have been eating,

dogs will eat excretement and all sorts of other germ ridden

things, and I assume you know how most animals clean

It sounds like it's OK for you! It's good to show your pets affection.

Just don't make out, OK, then that is getting weird.
If you wanna give your pet a kiss on the lips, go for it! I don't care, you arent hurting it, its fine. I've had cats and I'd never kiss them, my last cat, who is still alive but lives with my parents now I would rarely kiss on the head. But other then that, probably not. I have a ferret now, and I would probably never kiss him there because well...I see him licking areas and sometimes hes way too close to his poo after going to the bathroom for my taste haha.
Not in Texas, and a few other southern states.
no but dont have your mouth open eeewwwww
I'm sure a lot of people would find it to be weird, but I've done it with my ferrets, cats, and dogs before. My chinchillas never allowed the kissing though. I'd usually hold a raisin between my lips and they'd take it - that's the closest thing to a kiss they'd let me have.

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