When I'm in class or at work or just not doing anything I pick at the area around my fingernails and any loose skin on my lips. I do it without thinking and it often results in raw, sore areas. I don't know how to make it stop. Help!Why do I pick at my fingers and lips when I'm bored or not doing anything else?
I do that too. But mine happens only for a while. Like starting and stopping bad habbits. For the lips wear lip gloss or something like that a lot. That tends to help me. Then for the fingernails... I generally wear bandages around them for a while so I can rip it any more. I find once the skin around it is healed I don't scratch at it for a long time.Why do I pick at my fingers and lips when I'm bored or not doing anything else?
You just have a physical fixation on your hands and lips. There is nothing wrong with it, its just something you do to keep yourself busy. I play golf, and I attribute my soft hands around the green to my hands fixation of always having to be doing something. Whether its just typing to friends or playing with my baby blanket (shut up, I know a 24 year old shouldn't still have one, but i will die with that thing). So, unless its causing yourself harm or trouble, fixate away.
I do that with my right thumb. I pick at any loose skin. When I see myself doing it, I get a band aid and put it over that area. I still pick at it, but it does no harm since the band aid is there.
I know you don't want to put a band aid all over your mouth. Try the band aide thing on your hands. It will work. :)
It could be due to a number of things, but I'd readily guess that it's due to anxiety!!! Talk to your doctor or mental health provider about it.
Best wishes to you.
its a habit u got to think about ittell yourself dont do it
duh.bad habbit
I do the same thing to my fingers. It's a bad habit.
cus ur a cannibal??
Because it is human nature. don't worry about it....just be careful about the sore spots...
At least your not picking your butt!
well i do that too and whenever i find myself in a bad habit like that i slap myself hard when i do it (literally)
SAME!!! Plus I bite my nails.
I think it is just out of habit, but I am trying to get help.
There's a book about habit change that has a special section for skin-picking...I think it's called The Habit Change Book or something, but it has like a pic of a butterfly on the cover I think? If you can't find it, a therapist can help you with that.
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